In February 2017, Jasper acquired this vehicle alongside pre-production 1 from Spyker in Zeewolde. The car arrived in a completely disassembled state, with numerous missing parts requiring attention. Pre-production 2, however, wasn't put up for sale; instead, it served exclusively as a test vehicle for Cosworth and as a model for crafting the subsequent generation of Spyker cars.
This particular car boasts distinctive features not found in any other Spyker model. Notably, it sports a bare aluminum chassis, an exhaust system without mufflers, aluminum-faced gauges, and Formula 1-inspired fuel bags similar to those in pre-production 1. The rims on the left and right sides rotate in different directions, and the suspension is adorned with chrome accents. Interestingly, it lacks a lower grill, setting it apart. It is the sole Spyker car painted in the Porsche color midnight blue.
In 2017 Jasper overhauled the engine and gearbox by himself, mileage on the pre production is at 1940km.
All silicone hoses are replaced for OEM new ones. Looking so much better!
Simultaneously, a workshop undertook the restoration of the bodywork. Due to extensive damage to the nose, the decision was made to meticulously construct an entirely new front end, executed in a manner reminiscent of CPP craftsmanship. Importantly, the new nose replicated the standard thickness. Throughout the sanding process, a surprising revelation emerged – despite at least two or three layers of paint on the front end, no dents were discovered beneath the layers. The nose was meticulously sanded down to bare metal to facilitate the fabrication of a new piece.
The results of this restoration effort are nothing short of remarkable, accentuated by a stunning color. Additionally, attention was directed towards the chassis, which underwent a thorough cleaning and sanding process.
The nose is almost to a point that it can be prepped for paint so the sills are the next step. One can clearly see that the chassisnumber #003 was used to do measurements for the real production units and was called at Spyker "pre production 2".
We found and purchased the exact insulation material since it was degrading and looking dirty. We are removing and renewing all the insulation.
The rear body, front and hood are completely done, stripped of paint and all the dents removed.
A former Spyker mechanic came to our workshop to do some maintenance work on the #003 engine so it is documented.
- timing belt
- thermostat
- waterpump
- all tensioners and roll's
Added the re-anodized anti roll bar and new bolts. Brake canister re-anodized and new canisters fitted from AP-racing.
Suspension and some other parts ready to have a chrome treatment, and look how pretty they became! Such a shame that Spyker stopped using chrome suspension.
Jasper started installing the rear suspension, he found out that a few ball joints are Spyker specific and have made the dust covers that go over the ball joints. Working towards getting the wheels back on, so the #003 can go to a company to reproduce the fuel tanks. The very early CPP’s have fuel cells (bags). In the same time he also started working to get the brand new gearbox in.
After a lot of years, she is finally on her feet again. A before and after picture.